A24-032 | Quality Improvement Project at New Cross Hospital (2022-2023): Improving Patient Outcomes in Acute Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure | Aqusa Zahid, Viktoria Oakden, Anna Newton, Joshua Li Saw Hee, Kay Teck Ling, Manasi Menon,
Atul Gulati | Respiratory | Div 2 | RWT |
A24-054 | Enhancing Study Environments: Introducing the Library’s New Study Pods and Booths | Jacqui Watkeys, Liz Askew, Bali Moore, David Fisher | People & Culture | Corporate | WHT |
A24-095 | Thiopentone/Suxamethonium prefilled syringes in Maternity | | Obstetric Anaethesia | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-045 | | | Cardiology | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-070 | Improving Treatment Referral Pathways for Patients who Lack Capacity | N. Murray, N. Ridha | Wolverhampton Special Care Dental Service | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-093 | District Nurses - End of Life Care | Dr Yat Wah Li | Adult Community Services Group & Primary Care | Div 3 | RWT |
A24-010 | Addressing Health Inequalities in Accessing Antiviral Treatment | Julie Painter | Covid Medicines Delivery Unit | Div 3 | RWT |
A24-063 | Community Sepsis Escape room | Rachel Willis, Laura Moore and Michele Willis | Professional Development Unit | Community | WHT |
A24-068 | Clinic Wait times | Laura Ponsford, Laura Meacham | Anticoagulation | Phlebotomy | Ambulatory Clinics | Community Receptions | Div 3 | RWT |
A24-002 | A Clinical Audit of Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) Reports: Assessing Conformity to Best-Practice DXA Reporting Standards in a Bone Density Unit
| Josh Bradley | Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering | Div 4 | RWT |
A24-104 | Consistently maintaining the national target of 76% of patients being admitted, transferred, or discharged within four hours | Gwyneth Kidd, Sue Wilmhurst | Emergency and Medicine | Div 2 | RWT |
A24-040 | Happy Doctor = Happy Patient : The Wellbeing Project | Dr Giho Yoon, Dr Yuva Ravindran , Dr Dulanee Karunarathne, Dr Dawar Ayyaz, Dr Bindu Gaur, Dr Yogeshwar Gohil, Dr Emily Audet, Dr Lisa Kehler, Dr Rajeev Raghavan
| Occupational Health | Div 4 | RWT |
A24-103 | Developing a Quality Improvement Community of Practice | Katy Cook | Quality Improvement Team | Corporate | WHT |
A24-001 | Same Day Discharge Centre | Louise Eve, Louise Robinson, Michelle Carless | C41 | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-083 | Primary Friends-Parent Engagement | Gemma Pheasant, Jeanette Williamson, Joanne Wiles, Amanda Street, Sam Masood, Vicky Bailey | Healthy Child Programme | Community | WHT |
A24-079 | Analysis of the baseline LDL-Cholesterol level as a predictor in achieving target level of less that 1.8mmol | Yi Lung Gan, Aura Kalansooriya, Hannah Tranter, Hanna Jumdally, Andrew Hartland, Runi Jaumdally | Cardiology | MLTC Medicines and Long Term Conditions | WHT |
A24-060 | The Environmental & Patient Care Impact of Telephone Consultations | Asad Atiq | Orthoptics | | RWT |
A24-014 | Improving Medication Storage on C35 | Kayleigh Morgan-Guest, Clare Banks, Monica Chohan, Emmah Simbabure, Katie Simkiss, Mayowa Adebayo. | Acute Chemotherapy Unit, Oncology and Haematology | Div 2 | RWT |
A24-072 | Proactive Risk-based Data-Driven Assessment of Patients at EOL | Nisha Kumari-Dewat | Digital Innovation Unit| Digital Projects Business Intelligence Manager | Div 4 | RWT |
A24-067 | Impact of an Emergency Care Embedded Pharmacist | Sim Johal | Phamacy | WCCSS Women’s, Children’s and Clinical Support Services | WHT |
A24-100 | Improving on-time starts in Robotic Theatres: Nucleaus Theatre 1 & 2 | RWT Theatre Management Team & supported by all: Theatre Staff, ICCU Staff, Admissions Unit, Consultant Anaesthetists, Consultant | Anaesthesia, Perioperative, Pain Medicine &
ICCU Directorate | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-087 | | | | | |
A24-006 | Communication builds bridges | Damian Jones, Martyne Johnson | Porters | Div 4 | RWT |
A24-052 | Enhancing Cardiac Rehabilitation Through Digital Innovation: A Quality Improvement Project | Maria Glover, Chris Scordis | Cardiology | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-013 | Reducing Time of Referral to Scan for CT Lung Biopsies | Dr P Sada, Tracy Turner, Dr K Ibrahim, Imaging Services & CT Team, QI Team, Cancer Services, Blood Services Team, ED, Portering Services, & Clinical Systems. | | WCCSS Women’s, Children’s and Clinical Support Services | WHT |
A24-007 | Improving reporting of indwelling devices on Vitals | Kim Corbett | Infection Prevention | Div 4 | RWT |
A24-086 | Learning from Set-backs - Theatre Trays | Anna Holden, Louisa Adams, Tony S | TACC | Surgery | WHT |
A24-091 | West Park Ward 2 TAMI Week | Kay McLoughlin | Directorate Support Manager – Adult Community Services | Div 3 | RWT |
A24-066 | Ommitted Doses Audit - Elderly Care | Sweta Bhimani, Jasmine Kandola | Phamacy | WCCSS Women’s, Children’s and Clinical Support Services | WHT |
A24-036 | Investigations and management in febrile children under 3 months of age | Dr Pooja Siddhi, Yu-Hsiang Chung, Wing Sze Vangie Koo | Paediatrics | WCCSS Women’s, Children’s and Clinical Support Services | WHT |
A24-024 | Enhancing Consultant Anaesthetic On-Call Efficiency: A Quality Improvement Initiative | Dr Richard Morse, Dr John Dyer, Whole Consultant body of APPM Directorate, RWH NHS Trust | Anaesthetics | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-075 | Staff Wellbeing in Primary Care | Dr Olomolaiye, Sarita Jones, Baljit Juss, Chace Smith | Primary Care | Div 3 | RWT |
A24-084 | Seeing the voice of the CT System | Tom Johnson | Strategy & Improvement | Corporate | WHT |
A24-089 | Introduction of the Non Clinical Care Navigators | Ami Whiston, Tyrese Salmon, Helen Esty, Care Coordination Team - Clinicians and Non-Clinical Care Navigators | Care Coordination | Div 3 | RWT |
A24-031 | Improving Flow in Spinal Outpatients | Damon Burn, Himadeep Venkata, Mr Gabriel Alo, John O’Regan, Jayne Cox, Tara Rouse | T&O | Surgery | WHT |
A24-026 | Introduction of Trans-nasal Endoscopy | Nikole Hazeldine Potts, Amanda J Hughes, Lee Sealey | Endoscopy | MLTC Medicines and Long Term Conditions | WHT |
A24-055 | The 28-week Health Visiting Contact in Pregnancy; supporting parents in Walsall to give their child the best possible start in life. | Kristina Foley.
Supported by Diane McIntosh, Vicky Bailey, Melissa Blakeman, Farrah Banaras, Belinda Williams, Sarah Watkinson, Rebecca Leighton | Healthy Child Programme | Community | WHT |
A24-042 | A Quality Improvement Project on Consent & WHO forms completion for CT Biopsy Thorax | Authors: Dr. Vishal Babu, Dr. Arivalagan Bapusamy, Dr. Weehaan Pang | Radiology | Div 3 | RWT |
A24-019 | Prescribing Error Incident Audit - Looking Beyond The Root Cause | DR Nandini Gupta Dasgupta, DR Abdurrazaq Abdulhakim | | MLTC Medicines and Long Term Conditions | WHT |
A24-092 | Must on Vitals Reporting | Jasbir Singh Khun-Khun, Ruth Stokes | | Div 4 | RWT |
A24-102 | Standardising the administration of joint injections across the Wolverhampton NHS Trust - A service improvement in Rheumatology | Dr. Hirushi S. Jayasekera (Project Lead), Dr.Tamaraudubamo Agunbiade, Dr. Ajibade Adenitan, Dr. Saima Almas, Dr. S. Venkat Chalam | Rheumatology | Div 2 | RWT |
A24-064 | Making invisible activity visible - Mapping | Joyce Bradley | Strategy & Improvement | Corporate | WHT |
A24-023 | Refurbishment of Doctors Mess | Ravi Kainth, Debra Baker, Laura Roberts, Andrew Roberts | Education and Training | Div 4 | RWT |
A24-056 | To Improve Hourly ‘Fresh Eyes’ Compliance to 95% within 12 months as per SBLCBV3 | Helen Stretton | Maternity Delivery Suite | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-044 | Piloting a cardiac physiologist led heart failure assessment clinic | Jonathan Cook, Dr T Ingram, Dr A Khan-Kheil | Cardiology | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-058 | Streamlining the Nursing Patient Pathway for Metastatic Breast Patients | Jamila Mohammed | Oncology CNS Team | Div 2 | RWT |
A24-022 | Urgent Community Response-Surge SOP | Kirsty Donaldson, Fiona Micheli | | Community | WHT |
A24-017 | Improving Day Case Rates for TURBT | Mr David Mak, Mr MK Selvan, Jenny Akins, Sarah Johnson, Katy Cook | Urology | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-094 | Optimising patient flow through digital triage and self management | Dr Yat Wah Li | Therapies | Community | WHT |
A24-012 | Bone Metastasis: Exploring early finding of an initiative to improve patient education, outcomes and quality of life | Sara Smith | | Community | WHT |
A24-029 | ‘Sleeping in your own bed’ –Day Case Shoulder Arthroplasty (Replacement) | SJ Dunn, N Joshi, B Williams, A Simons, A Singh | Trauma & Orthaepedics | Div 2 | RWT |
A24-020 | Improving CT responsiveness for Emergency Department patients | Sam Abbott | Radiography - CT | Div 3 | RWT |
A24-009 | Community Phlebotomy Service | Laura Meacham, Emma Bishop, Jasvinder Sahota | Community Ambulatory Care - Phlebotomy | Div 3 | RWT |
A24-043 | | | Pharmacy | DiV 3 | RWT |
A24-016 | Delay in Blood Product Administration on the ACU | Dr Wei Yee Audrey CHEW, Dr Alex Notley, Helen Bishop | Chemotherapy Unit | Div 2 | RWT |
A24-059 | Physician Associates in Stroke as Drivers of Local Quality Improvement | Sophie Lloyd, Dr Saugata Das, Cymone Argent, Tarasai Pongo, Ramesh Ram | Stroke | Div 2 | RWT |
A24-101 | Perioperative Care Unit | Dr Angeline Lee, Dr Veena Jayaramu, Dr Tom Antony, Mr Tayyab | General Surgery | Surgery | WHT |
A24-041 | Antibiotic stewardship on Deanesly Ward 2023 | Dr James Smith, Dr Talitha Jackson, Dr Pek Koh | Oncology | Div 2 | RWT |
A24-062 | Observations of an all-Day T&O Lower Limb Replacement Theatre List | Joyce Bradley | Strategy & Improvement | Corporate | WHT |
A24-053 | Streamlining and standardising the AP handover process to create a more reliable system whereby competencies and confidence are supported to grow in all areas of the service. | Laura Jones, Julie Connolly, Clare Taylor | Therapies | Community | WHT |
A24-098 | Aggressive rhythm management in patients with Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter is safe and feasible with use of amiodarone and conscious sedation cardioversion irrespective of LV function or atrial size | | Cardiology | MLTC Medicines and Long Term Conditions | WHT |
A24-046 | Referral process of Head & Neck patients Audit | Hisham Higazy, Mr. Swaminathan, Mr. Giblett, Mr Metcalfe | Head & Neck | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-047 | BIRTH REFLECTIONS: Listening to women | Tracy Denmade | Community Midwifery | WCCSS Women’s, Children’s and Clinical Support Services | WHT |
A24-082 | The Redesign of the Health Child Programme 0-19 Service | Keri Christie-Professional Lead, Tryphine Molineux, Vicky Bailey, Jolene Crosdale, Greg Perry, Sue Hems, in collaboration with clinical team leads and senior specialist practitioners within the service | Healthy Child Programme | Community | WHT |
A24-069 | Self testing Project | Louise Cartwright, Emma Bishop, Laura Meecham | Anticoagulation | Phlebotomy | Ambulatory Clinics | Community Receptions | Div 3 | RWT |
A24-015 | Improving Paediatric Prescribing- New Cross Hospital | Dr Rachel Neal, Dr Jayabarathi Sakamudi, Dr Abrar Mahbub, Dr Moussa Al- Kurdi | Paediatrics Prescribing | Div 3 | RWT |
A24-011 | Simulation at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust – The Dinwoodie Project | Shedene Bogle, Elizabeth Crisp | | Corporate | WHT |
A24-071 | Community of Practice -Weight Loss | Tina Hadley-Barrows, Jogindro Jassal, Alice Johnson, Renford Lee Navdeep, Chugger, Chase Smith, Jo Moore, Lisa Parker, Bukola Olomolaiye,
Jaspal Bassi | Adult Community Services & RWT Primary Care Network | Div 3 | RWT |
A24-061 | Leading Care in Lymphoedema | Louise Rooney, Amy Bevan, Sylvia Ryder, Rachel Willis and Laura Moore | | Community | WHT |
A24-028 | Referral Triage and Waiting List Management – Electromyography and complex nerve conduction studies | Dr Francesco Manfredonia, Nikki Edwards, Dr Daniel Konn, Dr Noemi Lara, Dr Jiten Mistry, Sam Way | Neurophysiology | Div 2 | RWT |
A24-018 | Introduction of Teledermatology Triage for Skin Cancer Referrals | Dr J Halpern, Dr A Wernham, Mr H Soulsby on behalf of the joint WHT and RWT Dermatology Service & The Black Country Provider Collaborative | Dermatology WHT & Cancer Div 3 RWT | Div 3 | RWT |
A24-048 | BIRTH REFLECTIONS: The impact | Tracy Denmade | Community Midwifery | WCCSS Women’s, Children’s and Clinical Support Services | WHT |
A24-033 | 7-Day AKI Nursing Team Leads to Transformation of Inpatient Renal Care – Service Development | Gemma Highway, Kat Trout, Liz Grace | Renal | MLTC Medicines and Long Term Conditions | WHT |
A24-090 | Optimising Propofol Usage: Transition from 50 ml to 100 ml Bottles | Shaveta Devesar | Trainee Advanced critical care practitioner, Integ | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-057 | Developing the Walsall Improvement Programme (WIP) | Joyce Bradley, Tom Johnson, Claire Hill and Karam Ginday | Strategy & Improvement | Corporate | WHT |
A24-037 | Establishing A Hot Gallbladder Pathway: An Advantageous Pathway | Xiangmei Caroline Cui, Osama Zaman, Mushal Naqvi | General Surgery | Surgery | WHT |
A24-078 | Reducing unnecessary preoperative blood investigations: Model for Improvement | Dr. M. Gudipati, Dr. J. Johnson, Sr. N. Bateman,
Dr. M. Singh, Dr. R. Morse | Anaesthesia | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-076 | Optimising Post-Lung Cancer Resection
Surveillance Imaging - ASCO Guidelines in Action | Aishah Z Mughal, Ahmed El-Zeki, Ahmed Habib, Ahmed Oliemy | Thoracic Surgery Department | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-085 | Group therapy and support for Stroke Patients with Communication Difficulties | Mark Chalmers, Laura Jones | Therapies | Community | WHT |
A24-065 | Advanced Wound Care for a Patient With Fournier's Gangrene.Advanced Wound Care for a Patient With Fournier's Gangrene | Claire Baker | Tissue Viability Team | Div 1 | RWT |
No | Title | Authors | Department | Division | Trust |
A24-039 | Consultant led medical ward round for Surgical in-patients; An audit series | Farhan Javed, Muhammad Tayyab | | Surgery | WHT |
A24-049 | Rheumatology Services Development | Dr Tom Sheeran, Alison Fletcher, Henry Soulsby, Jenny Mynett, Molly Hughes | MSK-Pain Management | Surgery | WHT |
A24-008 | Reducing the number of accountable infections on C35 | Kayleigh Morgan-Guest, Clare Banks , Mayowa Adebayo, Ruth Obodo, Ken Arum | Clinical Haematology Unit Team | Div 2 | RWT |
A24-030 | Improving the patient waiting list in orthotics | Alice Dudley, Sudi Nayyar | Orthotics | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-003 | Moving Towards a Paperless
Bone Densitometry Department
| Josh Bradley | Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering | Div 4 | RWT |
A24-027 | Early Mobilisation is Critical – the key to promoting Early Mobility on Intensive Care | Amy Bonner | ICU | Surgery | WHT |
A24-073 | Dietitian Support for Falls Prevention(Falls Prevention Hydration Project) | Tahira Mirza, Rebekah Maxwell | Nutritian & Dietetics | Div 2 | RWT |
A24-088 | Assessing Fatigue and Rest Facilities Among | Dr Edward Cook, Dr Shiva Alagarsamy | Anaesthesia | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-081 | Loose Filing Scanning Project | Diana Spalve, Elizabeth Miller | Medical records | Corporate | WHT |
A24-097 | Digital Catheter Passport | Ruth Stokes | | Div 4 | RWT |
A24-051 | Personal Child Health Record (red book) insert | Sue Hems, Vicky Bailey | Childrens | Community | WHT |
A24-034 | Mastering the Fiberscopy Skills in Anaesthetists and Intensivists | Dr Ojaswani, Rai Sood, Dr Mukesh Sharma, Dr Sadhna Sapra | TACC | Surgery | WHT |
A24-021 | Improving wait times for Outpatient Transthoracic Echocardiograms in the Cardiac Investigations Department (CID) | Emma Painter, Jo-Anne Connolly, Annabelle Malone, Dr Tom Ingram | Cardiac Investigations – Echo service | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-050 | SEND- continence programme | Charlotte Porter | Childrens | Community | WHT |
A24-005 | Thermoregulation in preterm infants | Paula Lane, Jodie Kirby, Charlotte Yale | Neonatal Services | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-025 | An Audit on Pre-operative Fasting Protocols for Trauma Patients: Insights from New Cross Hospital | Mr. Jatin Banal, Mr Poornanand Goru | Trauma & Orthaepedics | Div 1 | RWT |
A24-074 | Total Triage: a new patient appointment system | Dr Olomolaiye, Baljit Juss, Chace Smith, Louise Landucci | Primary Care | Div 3 | RWT |
A24-077 | Information Centre - Walsall Palliative Care Centre | Raj Mann | Palliative Care | Community | WHT |
A24-096 | GIRFT Preoperative Assessment Alignment | Paul Forrest, Samir Nazir, Suzanne Priest, Tom Harper, Karam Ginday | TACC | Surgery | WHT |
A24-038 | Theatre to ICU Handover | Dr Matthew Byrne, Dr Maddiha Anwer | TACC | Surgery | WHT |
A24-099 | Colorectal Surgery Improvement Project | Nifasat Farooqi | General Surgery | Surgery | WHT |
A24-080 | The Prevalence of conbined Atrial Fibrillation and Obesity in Both Arrhythmias and bariatric Outpatietn clinics | Yi Lung Gan, Sondos Eladawi, Dr Nadia Sunni | cardiology | MLTC Medicines and Long Term Conditions | WHT |
A24-035 | Reducing length of stay in patients undergoing elective arthroplasty at Walsall Manor Hospital | E Sherry, O Rai Sood, Y Saidawi, S Nazir, M Salim, T Moores
| Trauma & Orthaepedics | Surgery | WHT |