Our Antenatal Clinic offers a range of services and support:
Early Bird Clinic
As soon as you know you are pregnant this may be your first maternity contact. You will have your booking bloods taken and will be asked general health questions. This appointment will be with a support worker.
Glucose Tolerance Test Clinic
You will be offered a diabetes screening test by your midwife if you meet the criteria. The appointment will be made for you by your midwife. Appointments are available Monday to Saturday from 8am-9.15am each day. This is a two hour test and you will need to have fasted from 10pm the night before.
Anti D Clinic
All women who have a negative blood group will be offered an appointment between 1pm and 4pm on a Friday and booked in by the midwife. Rhesus disease is caused by a specific mix of blood types between a pregnant woman and her baby but it can largely be prevented. Your midwife will explain more about this condition and answer any queries you may have.
Health in Pregnancy (HiP) Service
Everyone is offered the opportunity to meet with the HiP team after their dating scan and 20 week scan. HiP offers services such as healthy weight advice, stop smoking support and emotional wellbeing support.
Caesarean Section
People having a planned caeserean section will be given an appointment to attend the Antenatal clinic for your pre assessment, this is done within 72 hours of your admission day. At this appointment you will receive admission details, instruction for preparation for surgery, medication plus blood tests. This is to ensure that you are fully prepared for the birth of your baby plus provide you with the opportunity to discuss any concerns with a member of the team.
VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean) Clinic
Women who have had a previous C-section will be offered an appointment with one of our midwives to discuss their previous birth experience and help make an informed choice regarding their birth options for this pregnancy.
Dating and anomaly scans
You will have your 12 and 20 week scans carried out in this department by our sonographers. There is a £5 charge per picture. The sonographers will ask you how many photos you require and you then go to a machine to make a cash or card payment. The sonographer will give you your photos after checking your receipt.
We offer pertussis (whooping cough) vaccines to women at their 20 week scan. Your midwife will provide you with information which is also available on your app.
Enhanced recovery
If you are booked for a planned C-section you may be eligible for Enhanced Recovery; this will be discussed with you by a midwife.
We offer flu (influenza) vaccines to women at their 12 week scan. Your midwife will provide you with information which is also available on your app.
The service’s opening times are Monday to Saturday, 8am – 5pm.
Hospital Route 122
Walsall Manor Hospital
Moat Road
West Midlands
Service leads
Donna Perkins, Antenatal Clinic Manager
Laura Parsons, Matron
To speak to a midwife phone 01922 656577
For appointments contact 01922 656576
Self-referrals can be made by clicking this link or scanning the QR code: Badger Notes – Please select a location

To speak to a midwife phone 01922 656577.
For appointments contact 01922 656576.