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Planting for Peace

2023-09-21T09:48:58+01:00Thursday 21 September 2023|

A new initiative has bloomed at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust thanks to a green-fingered colleague.

Dr Zahra Yasin is a GP Trainee who is currently working in the department of Endo-Diabetes at Walsall Manor Hospital. She arranged for roses to be planted in the Ward 29 garden for the Planting for Peace (PFP) Initiative.

PFP is an initiative to plant flowers and trees across multiple locations and venues in the West Midlands and globally that will help protect our eco-system and create an environment for contemplative reflection, mindfulness, peace and harmony.

It aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).

This initiative kick starts on International Day of Peace observed around the world every year on 21 September. The United Nations General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing non-violence.

It will look to create eco-chambers and environments for peaceful contemplation, mutual exchange-dialogue and conflict de-escalation that will have the reciprocal benefit of facilitating peace and protecting the environment.

Zahra said: “I wanted to do this because I have been working on garden and environmental projects locally and abroad as a WASUP (World Against Single Use of Plastics) Ambassador founded by Professor Abdul Rasheed Gatrad OBE, Consultant Paediatrician at Walsall Manor Hospital.

“This project resonated with me based on my love of gardening. In addition to this, working as a Doctor can be quite stressful at times. This is an experience that not only impacts me but many of my fellow Doctors too who must remain alert and active throughout their shifts, and such a garden provides a place of peace, solace, and tranquillity for a couple of minutes during the hectic shifts.

“The emotional and physical tensions of being in hospital equally affects patients alike and the garden which is surrounded by beautiful flowers provides an outlet for emotional healing and wellbeing.”

She added: “It makes me feel humbled and proud that the Planting for Peace initiative is kick-starting at the Trust by setting up an area of flowers and seasonal plants. We have started the project along with other organisations locally and globally. I hope that the initiative is of true benefit to many people.”

A special thanks goes to the following who also took part in planting:

  • Balbier Seimar (BEM)
  • Kaleem Hussain (MD, Guidance Consultancy, Euphrates Institute PPA Alumnus, University of Birmingham Green Impact Project Team Leader)
  • Bill Ellens (Volunteer who maintains the gardens at Walsall Manor Hospital)
  • Well Wishers charity for helping pull this together
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