Cancer Services
Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust offers a comprehensive range of services for patients with suspected or diagnosed cancer within the local area.
The Trust is a member of the newly formed West Midlands Strategic Clinical Network. As such has referral links with a number of local tertiary centres, including:
- University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
- Royal Wolverhampton Hospital Trust
- Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust
- Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospital Trust
- The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital
Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust sees and manages patients with:
Breast cancer, Colorectal cancer, Gynaecological cancer, Haematological cancer, Head and Neck cancer, Lung cancer, , Skin cancer, Upper Gastrointestinal cancer and Urological cancer. There is also a very proactive Palliative care team offering holistic support in both the hospital and community settings.
Chemotherapy Treatments for most tumours are offered from the acute setting at Walsall Manor Hospital.
Oncology consultant services are provided by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust through a Service Level Agreement with radiotherapy treatments provided by both University Hospitals Birmingham and Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals
In June 2011 the trust established an Acute Oncology Service, led by an experienced Oncology Nurse Consultant, The service supports the management of patients admitted non-electively with complications relating to their cancer or their cancer treatment.
Local data dashboards
West Midlands Cancer Alliance (WMCA) has developed a cancer dashboard containing up-to-date performance information available at a glance for Walsall NHS Healthcare Trust; the information is updated on a monthly basis.
Please select West Midlands and then Walsall for local data on the dashboards.
Cancer Dashboard data is available on the following link:
Cancer Waiting Times Dashboard data is available on the following link:
Cancer Waiting Times – West Midlands Cancer Alliance (
Monday to Friday
9.00am – 5.00pm
Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Moat Road
West Midlands
Service leads
Alison Fletcher, Care Group Manager, Cancer Services
01922 721172 ext. 6531
Nicky Adams, Macmillan Lead Cancer Nurse
01922 721172 ext. 3144
Dr Kutaeba Ibrahim, Trust Cancer Lead
01922 721172
Information to be confirmed.