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One stop shop for 0-18 advice

2023-09-21T09:05:39+01:00Thursday 21 September 2023|
  • Dr Tania Hussain shows the new website

A new NHS website has been created to offer a wealth of health advice to support pregnant women as well as children and young people in the Black Country.

Launched by the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB), the 0-18 years website for the Black Country has been created in partnership with local healthcare professionals.

It features an extensive directory of common childhood illnesses such as rashes, coughs, asthma, sickness, earache, conjunctivitis, and head injuries as well as information on maternity and mental health and wellbeing.

The health information showcases a traffic light system so parents and carers know the signs to look out for, where to seek help, what to do to keep an unwell child comfortable, and how long symptoms should last. It can be easily shared by print or by sending a link via SMS for free.

To access the new 0-18 years website for the Black Country, visit

Dr Tania Hussain, local GP and Children and Young People Clinical Lead for the NHS Black Country ICB, said: “We know how stressful it is when your child is unwell and it’s not always easy to find the information you’re looking for.

“Our new 0-18 years website for the Black Country provides advice for every stage, from pregnancy and birth all the way through to nursery, school, and beyond. Clinicians and local health professionals from across the Black Country have been working on the information together, to ensure it is accurate, reliable, and easy to access in one place.

“There is also a dedicated section for professionals, to support those who work with children and young people to keep up to date with the latest guidance and best practice.”

The 0-18 website for the Black Country is part of the national Healthier Together group of websites, which are used by the NHS up and down the country and have shown a positive impact by reducing GP appointments and A&E attendances.

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