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Patient Charter pioneered by Walsall’s AMU

2023-02-07T18:10:58+00:00Tuesday 7 February 2023|
  • Staff on the Acute Medical Unit with the Patient Charter

A pledge has been made to patients using the Acute Medical Unit (AMU) at Walsall Manor Hospital by its team of staff who are working hard to make improvements.

They have developed a Patient Charter based on feedback, incidents and complaints to pick up the common topics that people ask for reassurance on or ask for more information about. The charter is also aimed at families and carers and is something that staff are proud to have created.

Melissa Perry, AMU Ward Manager, said: “It’s actually really powerful to see our words captured within the Patient Charter and staff engagement has been just as important in this piece of work.

“We know that patients can be anxious, frightened and confused and arrive on our unit wondering what is going to happen next; they don’t know what to expect. The first point in our charter is all about triage.

“But the theme running through the whole charter is our pledge to do the best we can for our patients. We know that communication is key, we know that people want to be assured that we’ve got things in hand for them or that we’re seeking advice from elsewhere from specialists.

“The Patient Charter is our pledge to them that we have listened to what they have told us and acted upon it.”

Melissa said a charter could be an idea that other wards, departments and services used too and the unit will be sharing reaction now that it has gone live.

Staff took part in away day sessions last year to take time out from the busy unit to reflect upon all the factors that influence a patient’s experience. They also looked in depth at a complaint that was made and the idea for a charter was born.

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