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New build tour for staff

2022-11-14T07:52:46+00:00Monday 14 November 2022|
  • Dr Shelley takes a tour of the new build

Acute Medical Unit staff were able to go on a tour of Walsall’s new Urgent and Emergency Care Centre as this exciting project continues to take shape at the Manor Hospital.

The new build is set to be fully functional early in the New Year.
There will be a “commissioning” period when every single member of staff who will be working in the new centre will have another chance to look around and get a real feel of their new environment before it is up and running.

The building is currently still a construction site and while it can be hard to imagine the finished project, staff were impressed with the scale and size of it.

Sarah Abigail, Ward Clerk, said: “It has been a long time coming and I think we deserve it – and our patients do too.”

Jamie Howard, Progress Chaser, said it had been a useful visit although she had some queries around patient transfers now that she had seen the layout and the space. But the project team responded to say there will be an increase in Clinical Support Workers to support transfers.

Mel Perry, Ward Manager, described the new project as “really exciting.”

Dr Shelley Raveendran has been involved in the project from the start, using his clinical expertise to help shape the development.

He said: “While I have been to look round before it is always worth another look as progress is always being made. It is definitely a long overdue improvement.”

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