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Walsall Maternity Unit tours

2019-12-04T10:51:13+00:00Wednesday 4 December 2019|
  • Mom and baby

Mums-to-be are invited to have a look around the Maternity Unit at Walsall Manor Hospital thanks to weekend guided tours that start this Saturday.

Midwives will be available from 11am on Saturday and Sunday mornings to take mums-to-be around the unit and show them the delivery rooms, facilities and birthing aids that can be used.

Maternity Inpatient Matron Carol Hollington said: “Our Maternity Services have received an improved CQC rating of “Good” and we want pregnant women registered with all GP practices, regardless of address, to know that they are now able to choose to give birth at Walsall Manor Hospital.

“We are also now accepting transfer bookings for any pregnant women who wish to give birth at Walsall Manor Hospital who are currently booked elsewhere.

“We showed a few mums-to-be around the Delivery Suite when they visited our recent Maternity Showcase event and want to offer Maternity Unit tours on a weekly basis – we’ve chosen weekends as we know that women might be juggling work and childcare. We expect the tours to be popular so are asking women to bring just one person with them.”

Carol said that there are a number of birthing aids are available on the Delivery Suite:

  • Birthing cube – complete with a foam mattress that allows freedom of positioning in labour. This can be also be made into a double bedded mattress, allowing for use by both mum and partner.
  • Birthing pool
  • Combi Trac system – a specialised pole with slings/support to enable women support in labour
  • Birthing stools – plastic pre-formed stools with a recess to assist delivery
  • Beanbags – to aid positioning and comfort in labour
  • Birthing balls – both peanut and circular shaped

A birthing pool is also available and a room has been set aside for women who require enhanced care in relation to their pregnancy and birth. There are also two emergency theatres providing emergency and planned Caesarean sections with around-the-clock access.

Want to book a tour? Please contact Delivery suite on 01922 656246 or 01922 656283  to book.

The trust has compiled a top ten list of features that Walsall offers:

An excellent midwife to birth ratio– giving you 1-1 care during labour

Continuity of Carer – you’ll see the same small team of midwives during pregnancy and after birth

Complementary Therapy – Reflexology and Aromatherapy (free) plus Hypnobirthing (at a small fee)

Birthing pools – offering you more birth choices

Freestanding Midwifery-Led Unit – the only one of its kind in the Black Country

Early Bird Clinic – this mean women can book directly and very early.

Home birth service provided – our Community Midwives will help you all the way

Brand new £5.6m Neonatal Unit – with a purpose-built Intensive Therapy Unit and High Dependency Unit.

Team of Specialist Midwives – for women who need extra support, including breastfeeding

Health in Pregnancy Service – practical parenting help and advice

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