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Such a worthwhile step for Kelly

2019-03-27T16:58:39+00:00Wednesday 27 March 2019|
  • TNA Kelly works in maternity

“I’ve had mum guilt but getting positive feedback from staff and patients has been a real boost.”

Kelly Rutter has worked for Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust for 16 years and was initially employed as a healthcare assistant in paediatrics where she also did some play specialist work before having children and moving into the breastfeeding team. She then became a Trainee Nursing Associate and now has a Healthcare Assistant post in maternity 

“When I came across some information about the Trainee Nursing Associate programme I have to be honest and say that I did think about the fact that I had never been to university and while I’d done GCSEs and a nursery nurse qualification that all seemed a long time ago,” she said.

“I think that has been something that many of us trainees thought about though, talking to my colleagues.”

 Kelly, who is a 37-year-old mum, has been working on Walsall Manor Hospital’s Primrose Ward and has enjoyed getting to grips with a different specialty. She will continue to work on this ward.

“I have done some adult placement but that’s definitely not for me –  I want to continue working in family health.

“Mum guilt has been the hardest thing to get over during my training with my children going to before and after school clubs because of my study and work but getting positive feedback from staff and patients has been a real boost.  I’m so glad I became a TNA; it has been worthwhile. And when my children are older they’ll be able to understand what I did and that I was part of something that was a first.”

Kelly has also credited her colleagues for helping her through her training.

“They are like a family to me and I’ve tried to take on board all the tips and knowledge they’ve shared because I know that will be invaluable as I go into the next stage of my career.”


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