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Generous gift for Walsall’s neonatal unit

2018-11-17T17:27:12+00:00Saturday 17 November 2018|
  • freemasons hand over charity cheque

Freemasons from Barr Beacon Lodge No 6109 have helped boost funds for Walsall Manor Hospital’s neonatal unit by almost £2,000.

Thanks to  a ladies evening event in Aldridge hosted by Worshipful Master Joe Bannister a total of £1986.81 has been handed over to Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust’s Divisional Director of Nursing, Children, Young People and Neonates (Acute and Community) Caroline Whyte.

Caroline attended the event in the summer with the Trust’s Fundraising Manager Georgie Westley and thanked members for their generous support – as well as providing an entertaining evening!

Worshipful Brother Mr Bannister and his wife Cathy came into the hospital last month to hand over the cheque.

Mr Bannister explained that the Freemasons choose a charity each year and this year chose Well Wishers which is Walsall Healthcare’s charity that raises money to buy items above and beyond what the NHS can provide.

“One of our friends used to work in the neonatal unit so it’s something we have a passion for,” he said.

Caroline and Georgie added: “With the expansion of our neonatal unit underway this money will go to good use providing items such as breast milk warmers or reclining chairs to make things comfortable for our mums while their babies are being cared for.”


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