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Charity funds wound service training aids

2024-04-25T09:17:03+01:00Thursday 25 April 2024|

A Walsall service which helps patients with their wounds has been given a staff training boost.

Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust’s Community Tissue Viability Service has bought three mannequins and a skin board to use during its training sessions and discussions after receiving funding to the value of £3240 from the Well Wishers charity.

The service was launched in July 2023 to care for patients with new wounds. These include pressure sores, surgical wounds, trauma between ankle and knee and leg ulcers.

It is designed to apply best practice and ensure that patients get a holistic review including wound assessments and care plans within the first two weeks of referral. This creates a good healing environment and has increased healing rates and improved patients’ lives or recovery.

Amy Bevan, Quality Lead for Tissue Viability Community said:

“Having a visual aid when delivering training sessions or discussing a wound has been so helpful. We have already received fabulous feedback.

“We have been able to educate staff which has helped with the understanding of wounds and how they can deteriorate or appear on the skin – it’s hard to grasp this on a photo and it’s easier for visual learners to press the mannequins.

“With these particular mannequins, there are sections on the limbs to feel the differences between healthy tissue and deteriorating tissue. As we have also been given a skin board we can show the different presentations of wounds on different skin tones as well.”

She added: “Honestly, I can’t thank the charity enough. Having these mannequins has not only helped within our service but externally with other services. They are always a conversation starter and it allows in depth multidisciplinary discussions which relate to past and present wounds on caseloads and how they were managed. The service is extremely grateful for the donations.”

Georgie Westley, Fundraising Manager said: “We are really pleased to have been able to support the Community Tissue Viability Service with these products. We know how important training is to staff and how the correct tools can help towards best practice which also benefits our patients’ experience.”

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