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Hydraulic cot delivers benefits for all

2024-02-23T07:20:04+00:00Friday 23 February 2024|
  • Fundraising Manager Georgie joins Midwives to see the new cot
  • Essential items can be stored with the new cot

New mums on Walsall Manor Hospital’s Postnatal Ward will be able to stay with their babies during essential tests and assessments thanks to charity donations that have funded a new hydraulic cot.

Well Wishers, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust’s charity, bought the new feature, which cost £2,004, and Midwives and Maternity Services staff are singing its praises.

Hydraulic cots have been used in other NHS Trusts and help enhance patients’ experience according to feedback.

Gill Stonard, Newborn Screening Midwife, explained that as its height is adjustable, this enables easier access on a flatter surface for necessary tests to be carried out.

She said: “Keeping mum and baby together is imperative for bonding and attachment and the new cot helps us do so.

“Newborns need physical examinations, bloodspots and blood tests as well as reviews. The hydraulic cot, which is fully stocked with all essential equipment, enables these tests to be completed at the bedside with mothers present. This is reassuring and more comfortable for those who are not fully mobile following their delivery.

“We’re really grateful to Well Wishers for funding this for Maternity Services and helping us make a difference.”

Tracy Denmade, Patient Experience Midwife, added: “Improving patient experience is at the forefront of our minds every day when caring for our babies and families. The experience they have with us here is key to their emotional wellbeing when they are adjusting to life with a new baby.”

The hydraulic cot is also beneficial for staff health and wellbeing as it can be height adjusted to avoid taller team members having to bend their backs.

Georgie Westley, Fundraising Manager, said: “We were so please to see the new hydraulic cot in use and hearing our Midwives tell us what a difference it is making.

“Thank you to everyone who has supported the charity to help it to pay for items above and beyond what the NHS can provide in this way.”


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