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Temporary changes to MLU services

2021-08-05T13:45:34+01:00Thursday 5 August 2021|
  • MLU

Walsall Healthcare’s Midwifery Led-Unit (MLU) will be temporarily closed for births from 5pm on Friday (August 6th).

All expectant mothers booked in at Walsall’s MLU are being contacted and offered alternative options.

One of these options includes expectant mothers being offered the use of the MLU at the nearby New Cross Hospital if they choose.

Carla Jones-Charles, Divisional Director of Midwifery at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust said “We would like to apologise for any inconvenience this temporary closure may cause.

“The safety of women and babies using our maternity services continues to be our number one priority. To do so we want to make sure we have the very best teams in the right place and are consolidating our services to ensure we continue to deliver high-quality, safe, birthing experiences.

“Any women already booked to deliver at the MLU within the next few weeks will be contacted to discuss their options.

“Antenatal and postnatal sessions will however continue as normal and mums-to-be should contact their community midwife if they have any concerns or questions.”

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