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Praise for CliPP’s first month

2021-03-17T16:32:59+00:00Wednesday 17 March 2021|
  • CLiPP students
  • CLiPP students
  • Jason Gould

Students at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust have been trying out new methods of teaching over the last month with the launch of CLiPP (Collaborative Learning in Practice) – a clinical learning programme which focuses on coaching methods to enhance student experience, job satisfaction and patient care. 

Click here to read a previous article to find out more about the launch of CLiPP and what this entailed.

CLiPP has now been piloted for four weeks on wards 2, 7 and 11. The aim of the CLiPP project is to facilitate students to manage a bay by using coaching from a certified supervisor and reflection huddles to assess their learning within the CLiPP bay.

Over the past few weeks there have been some amazing responses from staff, students and patients.

We want to celebrate the benefits of CLiPP so far in its journey and the hard work which has been put into the project by all involved.

Here’s just some of the highlights:

  • “CliPP has been great. It has helped Good Practice delivered from the ward team to influence how the students have practiced in the CLiPP bay. Seeing the students flourish as a result of coaching has boosted morale amongst the ward staff and the students have then demonstrated these skills on all bays when not working in a CLiPP bay. In February we received five formal patient compliments which is a fantastic achievement and has definitely been influenced by CLiPP.”Ward Manager Aaron Bates, Ward 2

  • “CLiPP is a really good concept. The visibility of nurses has been a great support for patients and MDT team members on ward bays.” Sister Sarah Lane, Ward 7

  • “As a patient I am very proud of the respect and dignity shown towards me on my stay on ward 11. I have had 51 operations in 16 years and have spent lots of time in hospital. The nurses are always fantastic but because of how busy they are there is normally not much time to listen to my story. I have really struggled on this admission and it has affected my mental health. The nurses and student nurses have been fantastic. They have been non-judgmental, confidential and have given me a chance to talk about any problems. Having more nurses in a bay has definitely helped with my mental health during my stay.” Ward 11 Patient, Jason Gould

  • “I have been getting the most incredible feedback from students on CLiPP wards. One of my 218 students has had a complete metamorphosis on her CLiPP ward! She has struggled with confidence for a while but she is loving her placement so much, she is like a different person. A 120 AA student of mine shared her experiences with my group and she was the same. All very positive!” University Lecturer

     You can follow @ForceWalsall on Twitter to keep updated with CLiPP news.

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