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World Book Day (4 March 2021)

2021-03-04T17:38:53+00:00Thursday 4 March 2021|
  • book
  • paintings
  • Teigan
  • paintings

Young patients at Walsall Manor Hospital have been getting their bookmarks at the ready for World Book Day today.

The children, along with Assistant Play Specialist Jo Plank, have been reading “Alien in Underpants Save the World”.

Below is a synopsis of what the children have been reading:

Aliens love underpants, It’s lucky that they do, For pants helped save our universe, Sounds crazy, but it’s true! Aliens in underpants are back – and this time they are on a mission to save the world! A gigantic meteorite is heading for planet earth and the aliens’ pants supply is under threat. Can our crazy aliens save planet earth and secure their pants supply forever more?

The children found it hilarious, really liked the illustrations and would highly recommend to other children who want to read a good book!

They then created their own pants design to hang on the ward’s washing line.

Jo Plank said:

“In celebration of World Book Day, I wanted to make this exciting for the children as not only is it fun but also educational for them.

“I will also be giving out free books for them to take home and will be reading stories to the children all day today.”

Pictured is Teigan, aged 8 and some of the other children’s fabulous pants paintings!

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