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Walsall MVP Infant Feeding survey

2021-03-03T14:19:39+00:00Wednesday 3 March 2021|
  • Breastfeeding baby

Have you had a baby in the last 12 months?

Walsall’s Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) – a local group that supports mums and families to share their experiences of maternity care and help shape services – is running a short survey on Infant Feeding ahead of its March meeting which takes place virtually this Friday.

MVP Chair Samantha Thompson said: “It is so important to our Maternity Voices Partnership to hear the experiences of families from all communities who are using or have used maternity services in Walsall.

“The last 12 months have seen a year like no other with the Covid-19 pandemic and we know how difficult and challenging it has been for mums-to-be and their partners. Our MVP meets every couple of months and focuses on hot topics for discussion. This month we’re looking at Infant Feeding and have developed a very short survey that we want as many people as possible to fill in. It is only through working with families that we can shape and improve our maternity services for all.”

The survey can be completed here

Samantha added that the MVP is working to increase representation and feedback from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic families to ensure it is inclusive of the communities that make up Walsall borough.

The next MVP meeting is from 1pm – 2.30pm this Friday 5 March. If you would like to send any feedback to be discussed or be sent the joining information to attend this online meeting please contact

The MVP is also represented at the Black Country and West Birmingham Local Maternity and Neonatal System – Local Maternity Systems have been set up across the country to improve choice and personalisation of maternity services.

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