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Morale boost for stroke team

2021-02-24T08:42:25+00:00Wednesday 24 February 2021|
  • Donations are handed to stroke team

Staff working in the Integrated Stroke Team have been among the first to benefit from a new support network set up between Walsall Healthcare’s Well Wishers charity and local businesses.

Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust Fundraising Manager Georgie Westley, Richard Scandrett from Drain Doctor and Tom Williams from Coinadrink, have been working together for several months to co-ordinate donations coming into Walsall Manor Hospital and its  community services.

Now the businessmen have seen the fantastic impact donations have had, and how staff morale has been boosted, they are expanding the support – prompted by other business contacts asking if they can get on board too.

Through this new partnership Well Wishers secured a snack donation for the stroke team at Holly Bank House which is being used to stock the recently created Haven room.

Georgie said: “Thanks to Amrik Singh of Vibrant Network, Walsall, for offering to supply refreshments and snacks which will keep our teams going for some time and boost their mood.

Amrik is pictured with wife Amber Jessal, Stroke Rehabilitation Administrator Michelle and her husband Rob Duffy.

Michelle added: “This will mean a lot to staff and we appreciate the support Well Wishers has given in securing this very generous donation”.

Amrik said the business had supported other hospitals in the past and has been helping local schools with laptops to support home schooling however he is keen to look after his local NHS staff and support them during these challenging times.



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