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Walsall Womb To World

2020-10-28T14:28:24+00:00Wednesday 28 October 2020|
  • Newborn baby

A new arrival is set to help Walsall parents-to-be prepare for pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Walsall Womb To World is a virtual antenatal education programme developed between Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust’s infant feeding team, midwifery staff, and Health in Pregnancy team.

After a pilot programme ran last month it is set to get underway on Monday 2 November and will focus on four sessions:


Getting to know your unborn baby

Labour and birth

Infant feeding

Postnatal care and building a relationship with your baby


Lindsey Perry, Walsall Healthcare’s Infant Feeding Clinical Lead, said: “Parents-to-be understandably have so many questions and, in some cases concerns, as they embark on what is a wonderful chapter in their lives.

“For those currently preparing for this special time there is the added anxiety of a global pandemic to contend with. Covid-19 means we’re having to do things very differently – we would have ordinarily run these sessions face to face – but that doesn’t mean we can’t still offer meaningful support.

 “As well as being led by health professionals with many years of experience between them, these sessions also give parents-to-be the opportunity to help each other; a problem shared is a problem halved after all! It is a safe place for everyone to air their feelings.

 “And for all of us involved it is so important that we remain connected with our parents-to-be, share information, answer any questions and calm any worries, while keeping us all safe at this difficult time.”

 One mum-to-be who attended October’s sessions said: “My attitude is more positive, I have a better understanding and – most importantly – I’m not so scared .”

 To join November’s and future sessions, please contact your midwife or health visitor, or call the Midwifery-Led Unit on 01922 721172 extension 5422, and let us know your details including your email address so we can send you an invite to join us virtually.

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