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Chemotherapy unit’s new Walsall home

2020-06-20T09:51:01+01:00Saturday 20 June 2020|

Walsall Manor Hospital’s chemotherapy unit is being re-located as efforts continue to minimise the infection risk of Covid-19 on patients who need to attend for vital treatment.

The unit is moving into the former physiotherapy department on route 106 of the hospital. Associated clinics will also be housed in that area for patients who need blood transfusions and other treatments.

Amy Turley, Ward Manager, said: “We have moved the unit so that it is within the outpatient area and separate to the rest of the hospital. We need to do this to ensure their safety and wellbeing and reduce, as much as we can, their risk of coming into contact with people who may have the virus.

“People with cancer might feel especially anxious as its treatment can lower their ability to fight infection and we understand they may be apprehensive about visiting hospital at this time.

“The location works well for patients as it is a more integrated area with the clinics being in the same vicinity and it is nearer to the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Hub. The medical day case unit will also be housed within 106.”

Amy explained that patients would start attending the unit from next Monday 22 June and had been contacted and made aware of the new location.

“We carried out the move yesterday (Friday)  and extra staff came in to help,” she added. “Our new home is in a bigger area so patients will prefer the environment.”

Walsall Healthcare’s Support Services Assistants are working hard today (Saturday) to clean the unit’s new home.

The physiotherapy department moved to Ward 20C yesterday.



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