Are you worried about your moles? Have they changed in shape or size? Maybe they’ve become raised or changed colour?
Members of the public and staff who are concerned about their moles are being encouraged to speak to dermatology professionals at this year’s Skin Cancer and Sun Awareness Day.
Specialists from Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust’s dermatology service will be available on Route 107 at Walsall Manor Hospital on Tuesday 18 June 2019 between 8am and 2.30pm to raise awareness of the dangers of sun exposure and the damaging effects it can have on the skin; all while providing free mole checks.
Dr Clare Defty, Consultant Dermatologist at the Manor Hospital said: “Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the UK – rates of skin cancer have more than tripled over the last 30 years, increasing by almost 50% over the last decade. Also, over 80% of all skin cancers are caused by over-exposure to the sun and/or sun beds meaning that the majority of all skin cancers are preventable by undertaking simple sun safety measures.
“More people die from skin cancer in the UK than in Australia, due to awareness campaigns in Australia leading to greater awareness and earlier detection of skin cancer. A recent survey from the British Association of Dermatologists showed 96% of people in the UK do not check themselves regularly for skin cancer and 77% would not recognise the signs of melanoma. It is important that everyone knows how to best protect their skin from the sun and know how to check their skin.”
The team will provide advice on sun protection, how to best protect children and how to pick up the early signs of skin cancer.
If you would like a free mole check, leaflets, advice or a chat in confidence, then please pop by and have a chat!