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We need you!

2019-02-15T18:17:02+00:00Friday 15 February 2019|
  • wayfinder sign

We’re developing our Quality Account – it’s an important public report describing the quality of services delivered by our trust and the improvement plans we have in place.

But we need your help!

We really want to make sure it reflects the views of staff and volunteers that work here, our members, our local partners, patients and the public. Can you attend one of two engagement events we’re holding next week?

19 February 2019: 11.15am – 12.30pm, Room 11, MLCC, 3rd floor, Manor Hospital

20 February 2019: 11.30am – 1pm, Concourse area, MLCC, 3rd floor, Manor Hospital

If you would like to attend please contact Jan Martin on 01922 656689 or

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