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Christmas cheer for Walsall children

2018-12-12T16:57:59+00:00Wednesday 12 December 2018|
  • donation of presents for children's ward

Young patients on Ward 21 at Walsall Manor Hospital will enjoy some festive surprises thanks to a  generous donation from construction companies.

Arran Bailey from ALB Group, and Harry Whyte from HBW are working on Walsall’s Tameway Tower currently and always make donations to worthy causes in whichever area they’re working in.

They came to the hospital this lunchtime to drop off a bumper delivery of presents as well as donating a motorised Mini Cooper car that children can use to travel across the site if they need to get to an appointment or to have some treatment.

Arran said: “Harry and I are both fathers and we’d hate it if our children had to be in hospital for Christmas so are happy to do anything we can do to make that time better for the young patients here.”

Caroline Whyte, Divisional Director of Nursing, Children, Young People and Neonates and Ward 21 Matron Charlotte Yale joined fundraising Manager Georgie Westley to receive the presents.

Caroline said: “We are so thrilled with this donation and to have the motorised car is absolutely fantastic – our children will love it and it will really help take their minds off their illnesses.”

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