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Charity tunes in to patients’ experience

2024-10-09T11:12:02+01:00Thursday 10 October 2024|

Better patient experience is being channelled across five wards at the Manor Hospital – thanks to a charity-funded project.

Walsall Healthcare’s Well Wishers charity has bought 30 new televisions for Wards 1, 2, 3, 4 and 29.

They have been installed in all the bays and the charity funded the full installation included new wiring, brackets and ariels.

The project came about because patients get frustrated if TVs are broken or faulty – as can often happen in a busy hospital setting.

Jason Brown was admitted to Ward 29 after suffering a stroke.

The 47-year-old from Hednesford said: “The TV helps to keep me entertained. The days can be quite long, so it helps to break it up a bit.”

Amarachukwu Ezennia, Ward Sister added: “It has made a massive difference having the TVs on the bays. We have a lot of patients, and it can be a good distraction for them if they are in pain.

“As Nurses, it also helps us with patients who can be in a state of confusion and want to keep coming out of bed which for some does not help their symptoms. With the TVs we can get them to focus on a programme while in bed which helps aid their recovery.

“It also is a great source of discussion and engagement as when I go on a bay, the patients and I will talk about what is on. I even have requests from them for their favourite daytime programmes to be put on!

“Thank you so much to Well Wishers for funding these for us. I always say whether it is just £1 or more, we are so appreciative as it helps to keep our patients safe and happy.”

Georgie Westley, Fundraising Manager said: “We are so happy to see that the TVs are making a difference on the wards.

“We know how important TVs are to the hospital environment when patients are staying and recovering here. We believe that these homely touches help to provide the best experience possible for our patients, service users and families.”

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