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South Asian Heritage Month: A message from Mr Salman Mirza, Deputy Chief Medical Officer

2023-07-19T08:31:24+01:00Tuesday 18 July 2023|
  • Mr Salman Mirza

South Asian Heritage Month (18 July-17 August) is an opportunity to honour and celebrate the region’s history and culture. The NHS is one of the largest multicultural organisations within the UK, comprising a richly diverse workforce and community.

This month provides an opportunity to learn from experiences, educate one another and celebrate the fantastic contribution of South Asian colleagues. It is also a time to recognise cultural influences that shape society today.

As a South Asian colleague, I am proud to see how culture and diversity is celebrated, not only in our organisation, but also across the wider NHS. Sharing our stories and culture enables them to become woven into the fabric of our multicultural society, enriching it further. This month reminds us of the journey of culture and diversity not only within the NHS but also across the UK. Embracing cultural diversity plays a pivotal role in our staff and communities feeling valued, hence, further strengthening our NHS and society.

Celebrating our diverse workforce is just one of the ways we show our support, but there is still much more to do. As an organisation, we pride ourselves in striving to create a supportive and inclusive environment for all. We must continue to learn from experiences, listen to our workforce and our communities and prompt positive change to deliver the best possible outcomes for the communities we serve and for those working with the NHS.

Throughout the month, colleagues across the Trust are hosting a variety of events and activities for staff, to celebrate, educate and commemorate South Asian heritage. Details can be found in the latest Trust communications bulletin.

I encourage you to join the celebrations, share your stories with the Communications Team, or learn something new this South Asian Heritage Month.