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Help us help you to keep Walsall appointments

2023-03-10T18:10:37+00:00Friday 10 March 2023|
  • Outside of Walsall Manor Hospital

Focus groups to better understand the reasons why patients sometimes miss their appointments at Walsall Manor Hospital are being set up later this month to help health chiefs try to reduce these numbers.

Known as Did Not Attends (DNAs), missed appointments have a huge impact on healthcare services both financially and on waiting times. This also affects patient experience and the overall performance of NHS Trusts.

Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust has set up a survey to give people the opportunity to detail the difficulties that may be faced in keeping appointments and it wants to link with communities via focus groups at two events on Friday 24 March.

Garry Perry, Associate Director of Patient Relations & Experience, said: “We have heard of transport, childcare and financial pressures being behind many DNAs but we want to listen to people to ensure we have real insight into any barriers or issues.

“This valuable feedback will then help us make changes where possible and at least work towards solutions that reduce, if not eliminate, these issues. We do want to work together with our patients to make improvements that benefit all.”

The survey can be accessed here

The focus groups are being held as follows:

Black Women’s Centre

17 Wednesbury Road, Walsall, WS1 3RU


Nash Dom Community Hub

Sun Street, Walsall, WS1 4AL


Garry added:We want to capture the views of as many as possible ensuring we’ve listened to our patients from ethnic minority groups and those with long term conditions that may influence their ability to attend appointments. Thank you to everyone who adds their support to the work we are doing.”

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