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Ward welcomes donation of crafts for children

2022-09-28T10:24:53+01:00Tuesday 27 September 2022|

A kind-hearted dad and serial fundraiser has donated crafts to make young patients’ stay at Walsall Manor Hospital more enjoyable.

Father of two Tim Stott and friend Joanne Hayward have raised an astonishing £20,000 over the last three years for Birmingham Children’s Hospital from selling unwanted items online.

Now they want to donate to a more local cause, and have chosen Well Wishers, the charity that supports Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, raising £100 to buy colouring books, pens, paint and glue for the children on Ward 21.

“We have done quite a few things to help struggling families over the last few years, and we thought we wanted to fundraise more locally this year, so Well Wishers was an obvious choice,” said Tim, whose children Layla Rose, aged five, and Lacie, four, help him raise funds.

Housewife Joanne, 44, of Leamore, gave Tim, 26, from Beechdale, a job as a paperboy as a child when she worked as a supervisor at Co-op in Dudley Fields, Bloxwich. The pair have stayed in contact, joining forces to sell people’s donated items from their respective houses.

Joanne and her seven-year-old daughter Evie Rose joined Tim and his children on the photo.

“We had a bouncy castle business a few years ago and started fundraising because we wanted to give something back,” added Tim, a shop assistant at Spar at the BP garage in Bentley. “Now we sell anything that’s clean and saleable.”

Emma Lester, Assistant Play Specialist, who met Joanne, Tim and the children with Ward 21 colleagues Sascha Harvey, Clinical Support Worker, and Student Nurses Sadie Wilkes and Stacey Joyce, said: “It’s so good of them to do this for the younger patients.

“It’s such a selfless act and very humbling giving up their time to do it. The children will love this. Thank you so much.”

Georgie Westley, Well Wishers Fundraising Manager, said: “Thanks so much to Tim and Joanne and the children. We really appreciate the efforts they have gone to and our young patients will make really good use of the arts and crafts.”

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