Social Communication

Social Communication is the ability to use and understand language appropriately to interact with others. This includes the ability to hold a conversation, listen to and understand the viewpoints of others and understand the meaning behind language (e.g. sarcasm, sense of humour).

It involves using and understanding a range of non-verbal skills including eye contact, facial expression and body language.

Indicators of difficulties with Social interaction include:

  • Taking turns in conversations
  • Sharing attention
  • Understanding the meanings of words
  • Understanding non-verbal clues e.g. facial expression
  • Understanding emotions
  • Understanding humour and sarcasm
  • Maintaining topics of conversation

What to expect

An initial appointment with a Speech and Language Therapist to include taking a history of your child’s development and your concerns. This will be followed by a full assessment of your child’s language and communication skills. The Speech and language therapist will then devise and agree a therapy programme to be implemented.

What happens next?

All future management decisions are made collaboratively with school, families and the Speech and Language Therapy Team.


For further information please contact Speech & Language Therapy on 01922 605400

Walsall Healthcare Speech & Language Therapy Department, Blakenall Village Centre, Thames Road, Blakenall, Walsall, WS3 1LZ