
Before undergoing and endoscopic procedure you are asked to sign a consent form. This is a legal requirement that confirms that you agree to have the procedure, that you have been informed of any and all risks associated with it and that you understand what the procedure is.

Before the procedure the consultant, medical practitioner or specialist nurse will go through the consent form and explain all these details to you. If you have any questions or concerns then you can always ask during the consent process. We will send out a consent form in the post with your appointment date. It is beneficial for you to read the consent form beforehand, and if you are happy with all of the information and have no questions then you can sign the form at home. However, you are not required to sign it until after the discussion on the day of the test.

For patients who have been admitted to hospital and are having procedures done as an in-patient, the ward staff should provide you with all relevant information about the procedure prior to gaining your consent.

If you or someone that you are caring for is coming for a procedure and does not have the capacity to sign the consent form please let us know, as there may be other steps we need to take prior to the procedure. This does not affect your, or the person you care for, rights to have the procedure in any way.