Wheelchair Services

The service supports clients with postural and mobility needs who have a long-term condition that impacts on their ability to mobilise.

The service assesses for the provision of wheelchairs that enable clients to manage their mobility, posture and pressure needs from the age of 36 months onwards (children under 36 months may be considered if the user has severe and permanent physical disability which necessitates specific/specialist postural support).

All referrals into the service are screened by the service clinicians, prioritised on need and offered an assessment in the most appropriate environment.

Clients are assessed in a variety of environments so that the most appropriate equipment can be provided.

The service can provide:

  • powered wheelchairs which are primarily for indoor use. The NHS has set criteria and assessment processes for the provision of powered chairs, which is a lengthy process
  • a free repair service for all wheelchair equipment provided. This is managed by Ross Care who can be contacted on 0121 458 4111 or by emailing walsall@rosscare.co.uk

Regrettably, the service is unable to provide:

  • scooters
  • any temporary loan equipment
  • power packs

The service operates Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 4.30pm.

Walsall Wheelchair Services
Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Blakenall Village Centre
Thames Road
Walsall WS3 1LZ

Service lead

Philip Whitehouse, Clinical Lead
01922 604999 Option 3
Email: wheelchairservices@nhs.net

We do not accept self-referrals from new clients. Existing clients are encouraged to contact the service with any issues with their wheelchair.

The service only accepts referrals from health and social care professionals by completing a wheelchair referral form.