Safeguarding (Adults)

Safeguarding adults is about preventing and responding to allegations of abuse or neglect of adults with care and support needs.

You may be unsure about whether this is happening to you, a friend, or perhaps about someone you provide care for, and what they count as abuse or neglect.

It might be something that is happening in your own home, in hospital or in a care home. There might be a particular person making you feel afraid or uncomfortable. This could be a friend, partner, carer, neighbour etc. What is important to remember is, if you have a feeling that something isn’t right, or you are frightened of someone, don’t keep it to yourself – you must tell someone. It is important to remember that abuse is wrong and needs to be reported.

This service supports staff, patients, carers, and relatives within Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust to recognise and report any concerns in relation to adults who are or may be a risk of harm and/or abuse.

Monday – Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm excluding bank holidays

Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Moat Road
West Midlands

Service lead

Joanne Leci
Tel: 01922 602318

If you are concerned for yourself or someone you know, we are able to offer advice and support. Please contact:
The Trust Adult Safeguarding Team on: 01922 602318

If you need to speak to someone outside of office hours, you can contact the Adult Social Care Emergency Duty Team on 0300 555 2922.