Frail Elderly Pathway

The main aim of the service is to avoid inappropriate admission to hospital and to facilitate a safe discharge from A&E.

The FEP team, following assessment, facilitate discharge by providing one or several of the following:

  • Appropriate signposting to other agencies

  • Provide low-level equipment e.g. zimmer frame, commode etc.

  • Rapidly set up a package of care to meet patient needs if appropriate

  • Access to ICT bed/step-up beds

  • Arrange a follow up if necessary by a community nurse, physiotherapist, occupational therapist or social services

  • Multi-discipline liaison as appropriate

  • Follow-up telephone contact next day

The service operates 7 days a week between 8.30am – 6.30pm

Integrated Assessment Hub

Route 142
Manor Hospital
Moat Road

Contact telephone number 01922 603241 or 01922 603244 or bleep 4047 via switchboard.

Contact email –

The service works directly with Accident and Emergency healthcare professionals.