Quality Improvement Awards
Next event - 1st to 5th July 2024
The NHS is facing significant financial and operational pressures, with services struggling to maintain standards of care. Hence, now more than ever, local and national NHS leaders need to focus on improving quality and delivering better-value care.
All NHS organisations should be focused on continually improving quality of care for people using their services. This includes improving the safety, effectiveness and experience of care. (From Kings Fund publication “Making the case for Quality Improvement”)
The Quality Improvement (QI) Awards are an opportunity for all staff at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust and the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust to recognise and celebrate their successes in improvement including QI projects, audits, service evaluations, simulation and medical education.
Submitting a poster as an individual or team for a Quality Improvement Award is a great way to have your hard work and achievements recognised.
The QI Awards will be held from the 1st to the 5th July 2024, this will be held locally on site.
The Inaugural QI Awards 2019 event was held in July 2019 in Walsall Manor Hospital’s Manor Learning and Conference Centre, followed again in July 2021.
Poster Instructions :
Please read the following instructions before submitting your poster:
- Please only use templates provided below to design your poster. There is a blank template and 3 other suggestions for designs.
- The earlier submissions are made the better. The QI Team will support the authors with improving the design and content of their poster.
- This can be emailed to wht.qiteam@nhs.net or rwh-tr.cqi@nhs.net when complete.
- Deadline for submission of posters and nominations is Monday 10th June 2024 at 09:00hrs.
- Please email the QI teams at above email address if you need help to design your poster. A member of the team will contact you as soon as possible with suggestions for your poster.
- Please see previous posters submitted to QI Awards for inspiration.
- ALL submitted posters will be displayed on a website for staff and judges to vote for the winners, during June 2023. They may also be displayed in the MLCC and public areas around the hospital.
- Some of the top projects will be invited to present their project orally for the main event.
Poster Categories:
Awards this year will be given for the best poster in the following categories:
- Patient/Service User participation in QI
- Best application of QI methodology
- Environmental Sustainability in QI
- Service Improvement and Redesign
- Learning from setbacks
- And an “Overall winner” Award
Terms & Conditions :-
- Posters will be accepted till 3rd June 2024 09:00hrs.
- Please submit your posters by the deadline, else they will be rejected.
- Projects associated with either Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust or Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust will be accepted. (GP and mental health projects also included).
- Any projects done after Jan 2021 will be accepted for these awards.
- Presenting author should have made a significant contribution to the project.
- The posters will be displayed on the website or in a QI registry for future reference and teaching.
- The QI Awards team will print the posters FREE of charge.
- By submitting their poster to the Awards event, the authors give us their consent for the poster to be used for reference purposes and public display if considered suitable, and teaching by both the Trust’s QI Team.
- Projects should include Quality Improvement following an audit, survey or service review. Improvement interventions can include simulation and education. A structured plan of changes following an audit would be acceptable, even if no improvement was demonstrated.
You can view the poster scoring criteria here.
There will be a shortlisting of all submitted posters and authors will be informed by mid June 2023 whether their projects have been accepted for oral presentation.
Producing your poster
- Please use the templates provided here to design your poster.
- Safari may change the extension to .pps – Rename file extension to .pptx and open with Powerpoint.
- You can choose any of the template designs. Please DO NOT change the master background or size.
- The size of your poster must be A2 PORTRAIT (420mm x 594mm) and should include the logos in the template provided.
- You may wish to include the following delineated sections:
- A title (should reflect main subject or message of project).
- Background: explaining why you did this project.
- Aims: In one sentence, explain the specific aim of the project.
- Methods: Briefly describe the methods used throughout the project. List key steps carried out, QI tools used and timeframe.
- Results: Summarise the results from the project and include sufficient evidence to support the results and to identify what changes have emerged. The evidence must support the conclusions made.
- Conclusions (There should be a Conclusion or Take-home message).
- Please include images, graphs and charts as suggested in the poster templates.